Xp³D-K is the only multi-functional fuel enhancer with color marker in the market. It contains a color marker and was developed to improve diesel and fuel oils (from #2 to #6). Xp³D-K is a combination of synthetic resins and organic compounds. It does not contain any aromatics or naphtha. Xp³D-K is 100% biodegradable and does not contain alcohol.
Auto transport
Ships and Boats
Power plants
Industrial plants
Agricultural Equipment
Add 1 (one) part of Xp³D-K for each 4,000 parts of fuel
Flash Point: 65.5° C / 150° F
Boiling Point: 171° C / 340° F
Freezing Point: – 84° C / – 120° F
Specific Gravity: 0.897 @ 25/25° C
Solubility in Water: Infinitely @ 25° C
Vapor Density (air =1) 4.10
Viscosity at 20° C (68° F) 6.4 mPa.s or cP